Muay Thai Wikipedia

In Muay Thai, fighters can use their legs to kick their opponent in different parts of their body, like the head, stomach, leg, or calf. There are many types of kicks, but the most popular ones are the teep kick and the roundhouse kick. Rather than standing in the same position, shelling up in your guard and learning how to slip and parry shots, you add another string to your defensive bow.

  • If you’re not focused on what you’re being shown, not only will you make your coach angry, you’ll end up doing something wrong.
  • The Mongkol is headband that all Thai boxers must wear during their ring entrance – it is considered sacred and passed in from trainer to fighter.
  • As such, leg kicks, body shots, roundhouses, and feints are usually the best way to get a fighter to lower their guard and create an opening.
  • It is often in the clinch that knee and elbow techniques are used.

As fitness is a huge factor in the effectiveness of a Thai boxer, they incorporate HIIT style exercises into their training sessions. The aim is to throw strikes at reduced power rate, in a bid to test each other’s skill, technique and defence – it is not a competition to knock each other out. Both people wear boxing gloves, shin guards, gum shields and groin protectors. Padwork is a staple of Muay Thai training and requires one participant to hold a pair of pads (the pad man), whilst a second participant strikes the pads (the attacker). People who are training to compete in fights will train intensely for 5-7 days per week. Sanctioned Muay Thai fights have many rules and regulations, depending on the organisation, but here are some of the common guidelines.

As such, constant drills and sparring sessions will become the currency that buys you a rightful ticket inside the ropes come fight night. A strong teep game is essential to a Muay Thai practitioner’s approach in a fight. While there are numerous attacking benefits to the teep, there is no doubting just how effective it can be in keeping your opponent from getting inside and doing damage.

These vital rules can vary slightly depending on the venue or organizer but is distinctive enough to make Muay Thai separated from American, Dutch or Japanese kickboxing. Muay Thai is most differentiated from other combat sports by the use of elbows, knees, push kicks (teeps) and the clinch. Kicks provide Muay Thai with a longer range of striking which can be an advantage against a boxer with no training in kicking.

The first and fifth rounds fall into the category of the “unspoken rules” in a Muay Thai contest and form a part of the unique way that a fight is scored. The fight is judged as a whole, rather than in 10 or 12 sequences. While points are awarded at the end of rounds, these are usually to assist those scoring the fight in keeping tabs on what happened in each round. Now, this may sound confusing (and even some experienced Muay Thai enthusiasts complain about the system), but by the end of this article, it should make more sense.

muay thai

It’s all about burning those extra calories and Muay Thai training does it exceptionally effectively. Each Muay Thai session lasts about 1-2 hours and consists of warm-up, shadow boxing, drilling techniques, heavy bag work, padwork, before finishing off with strength training exercises. One 2-hour session can burn 1000 calories, making it a great and fun way to lose weight. The push kick, referred to as “teep” in Muay Thai, can be used as both defensively or offensively. It can be used as a technique to keep opponents at a distance and disrupting an advance or as a strike if delivered with power and accuracy. Due to wars with neighboring kingdoms and tribes over the centuries, Muay Thai became a way of life for the people of Siam (as Thailand used to be called).

Most trainers don’t mind having to explain a technique or concept several times – especially if it’s difficult, complex, or unfamiliar – but not if it’s because you didn’t listen to them the first time. As is the same with other sports, cheating and corruption can, unfortunately, creep their way in. However, focusing on this right now is not going to be congruent to learning about the basics. Therefore, we will look at the rules of Muay Thai and how the scoring system operates in Thailand’s national sport.

The Wai Kroo is a ritualistic dance carried out before fighters engage in the ring. The tradition dates back several centuries and is meant to show honor to the fighter’s teacher, the sport of and his country. The Ram Muay is a dance unique to each master instructor and taught to his students. The student will dance in each direction of the ring, touching each corner post with a prayer, showing his respect to his opponent and the spirits.

Yes, this punch is unlikely to knock an opponent out or earn a fighter a place in the highlight reel of the year. However, the jab has numerous uses and it is essential for any budding competitor to master. The jab takes little energy to throw and takes less time to land than any other punch. You should see it as the baton that an orchestra conductor uses to maintain the tempo of an arrangement.

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